Friday, November 13, 2009

New Beginnings!!

They say that each day is a new beginning....but today that day is one of me trying many new things for the very first time!

I had lunch yesterday with a great friend who was telling me about a blog that she follows on a daily basis. The blog has quite the following and people all over the world are reading it and becoming encouraged with one woman's journey in life..... My mother has always told me that I have a knack for writing and loves to read my stories/essays. I feel like now is a great time to write about my life and stay better connected to my friends and family who mean the world to me. And if by chance my blog encourages someone else.....makes them laugh....or helps them through a tough time....then that's the icing on my writing cake!!

As the saying goes, "the eyes are a window to a person's soul," I have named my blog IrishEyez for several reasons. I am a green eyed girl from a little town called Dublin :) who just happens to also have Irish blood running through her veins. Green is also my favorite color and I always try to find the peace in a situation.....and have always though green was a soothing color. Green is the color associated with new growth and I feel like I am constantly growing and figuring out what I want to be when I grow up as well as striving to make myself the best version of me I can possibly be! This blog will definitely be a window into my soul and show others what makes me the fascinating green eyed girl that so many call family, friend, and loved one.

So what else besides blogging is this green eyed girl starting for the first time today?!

Well....I have a wonderful boyfriend "Charming C" who hates veggies! Won't eat anything that's a vegetable unless it's deep fat fried or covered in some sort of gravy like green bean casserole! lol I bought a cookbook a while back called Deceptively Delicious that helps mothers "disguise" veggies in their kid's favorite foods. Since my Charming C is a big kid at heart....I thought I'd give it a try. I'm a cardiovascular surgery icu nurse and see patients all day who have horrible eating habits that land them into our unit recovering from open heart surgery. I refuse to see Charming C have open heart surgery due to a lousy diet.....therefore I am going to make sure hell or high water that he eats his veggies.....whether he realizes he's doing so or not!! ;-)

So this morning I woke up and spent 2 1/2 hours roasting and steaming veggies to puree and put in the freezer....tonight we are having lasagna and we shall see if he notices how "healthy" he is eating!

And finally I am going to sign up for a photography class today! I have always wanted to learn photography and love taking pictures....and what better time than the present! Having such a stressful job, I need an outlet on my days off. Most of the time that is exercise and running, however, I also need something that will help me relax and capture those moments I never want to forget.

So my day of new beginnings is half way over....but my drive and determination to continue to have days of new beginnings is not.....

Hope everyone has a Fabulous Friday!!