Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Fabulous Four....

As the saying goes...."nothing tastes as good as thin feels!" Charming C and I both lost 4 pounds this past week!! Four pounds lighter and feeling more fabulous than ever....Charming C and I can really see how great it feels to be committed to eating healthy and taking care of our bodies.

When I started nursing school....I let the stress of studying and clinicals get to me. My poor eating habits filtered into my crazy schedule and lifestyle but I was determined that I was not going to be miserable and overweight in my adult life. I was tired of always being the girl who was the tallest, heaviest, ugliest in my group of friends. I wanted to be the one people noticed because of her looks, not her personality. Well now I am being noticed for both! :) As my friend Dependable D says..."you are like a fine wine get better with age." And that is exactly what I've done! I am a smaller size than I was in high school, have the endurance of an athlete, and my skin is smoother and younger looking because I eat the right foods!

I set a goal for myself in nursing school to run a half marathon in all 50 states by the time I turned 50. I have completed 13 states so far and have seen parts of the country I may not have visited had I not set this goal to keep myself healthy and in shape for at least half of my life!

My love of exercise and my devotion to healthy eating has filtered into my home life with Charming C! :) When I started dating him, he was eating cajun filet biscuits from Bojangles every morning along with iced honey buns and moon pies for snacks. Since we met each other 2 years ago...I've made him adapt to my eating habits instead of him pulling me into his snack food world. He's lost 60 lbs and feels so much better! Everyone makes comments about how great he looks....and I just smile because I've improved his quality of life! He loves trying new things and I love the fact that he is willing to eat my home cooked meals even if it means I've hidden veggies in it! lol

Speaking of which....I confessed to him that his lasagna was super healthy and contained pureed sweet potatoes and cauliflower! He wasn't upset at all and genuinely happy that I have gone to such lengths to provide healthy meals for him. And the fact that in the past week he lost 4 lbs b/c of it....that was his icing on his cake! :)

So when you reach for that second slice of cake or that third cookie during the Thanksgiving/Holiday season....remember that it may taste good for the moment but Nothing tastes as good as Thin feels!!